
HRSG Preheater Simulation

HRSG Preheater Simulation


A computational fluid dynamic simulation was carried out to study the effects of the flue gases velocity in the last stage modules of a HRSG preheater. The results allows us to visualize a map of temperature in a preheater module, hence, to better understand how energy is distributed. In addition, it provides valuable information to predict points of low efficiency and propose estrategies for optimization.


Image 1 represents the cross section top view of a HRSG preheater module It also shows how temperatures vary at the back-end tubes. The increase of velocity in the flue gas would produce gradients of pressure between the two opposite sides of the tube. In consequence, this would eventually create a vortex effect and turbulences in the backside of the tubes. This is shown in image 2.

Turbulence would drop velocity down to zero near the surface, which would decrease the rate of energy transfer from the flue gas to the condensate. By the same token, the lack of flue gas circulation around the tubes would bring temperatures down below the dew point and end up creating droplets of condensation. Image 3 shows areas of high probability for this phenomenon to occur. In that event, a layer of condensation would develop all along the surface of the tubes, while drastically altering the heat convection and thermal conduction rate across the wall.

Why is that relevant?

Back-end corrosion occurs when the gas turbine’s exhaust temperature falls below the dew point of any combustion product. Subsequently, high corrosive liquid acid would form in the presence of moisture. When natural gas contains sulfur in its composition, the reaction products derived from combustion will have, in addition to carbon dioxide and water, an equivalent proportion of sulfur dioxide. This compound will oxidize to sulfur trioxide and create sulfuric gas as it combines with the humidity of the flue gas.

If the temperature of the flue gas falls below the dew point of the sulfuric gas, liquid acid will form on the surface of such regions.

The aggressiveness of this attack depends on the concentration of acid in the condensate, which depends on the equilibrium H2O – H2SO4.

This simulation allows us to predict points of high probability where condensation droplets might form in the preheater module, so satisfactory mitigation strategies can be implemented during the HRSG design.

Refer to the following post to find extra information about this type of failure, click here


Boiler Circulation

Design Concepts

The efficiency of a heat recovery system, based on natural circulation, is determined by assuring satisfactory boiling conditions across the section of each heat exchange modules There are four main aspects for optimization:

Circulation Ratio

By definition, this is the mass water flow in circulation divided by the steam flow, which can be understood as the number of times the water flows around the evaporator section to be fully converted into steam, considering steady latent heat at constant pressure and temperature High circulation ratio corresponds to low steam fraction and vice versa Low volumes of steam fraction by volume prevent tubes from overheating

Water Velocity

Another aspect of significant importance is to reach adequate wet wall flow to maintain nucleate boiling under any given condition. Water velocity optimization will enhance heat transfer by increasing turbulences while preventing from steam blanketing, overheating and deposition of entrained solids.

Hydraulic Stability

The reliability of any of the previous design aspects is directly linked to the criteria for selecting an appropriate chemical treatment program.
Chemistry related problems will affect the performance of the plant by altering the water velocity, the hydraulic stability and ultimately the heat transfer The chemistry conditioning depends on the quality of the makeup water, on the chemical treatment program selected for the cycle, on the performance of the drum internals and it is also linked to the blowdown system design The image represents similar conditions to those of water flow through a boiler tube at different heat inputs.

Photo source http :://isnps unm edu/research/facilities/


Ullage System Enhancement

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibu lum at eros. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.


Insights About Conductivity

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibu lum at eros. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.


Conductivity Changes

Conductivity Changes

General View

Conductivity is an inherent property of water that measures the electrical current flowing through the ionic species in a solution; therefore, the higher the concentration of ions, the greater the likelihood of electrochemical reactions with the metal surface of the system that may precede corrosion.

However, even considering high purity water, operational conditions may also have an impact in the way conductivity may vary:

Low temperature
 – if pressure rises, conductivity drops down.

High temperature
– If pressure rises, conductivity rises
– If pressure drops, conductivity rises

Constant Temperature

– If pressure is constant, conductivity drops
– If pressure is constant and conductivity increases, then consider this:
– Presence of air in the sampling
– Saturation of resins
– Decompensation in the dosing
– Hideout (check chemical treatment)

That is of special importance during commissioning due to the transient nature of the operation at this stage. Follow Pressure (red) VS Conductivity (blue)


CFD in Drain System

CFD Drain System


A simple modification in the engineering design may turn out to be of significant impact in the way systems perform and increase its functional reliability. This image presents a good example in which the blowdown drain system in a power plant was affected by severe flow-accelerated corrosion and fatigue-cracking. As a consequence, multiple fractures were found in many interconnections with the flash tank.


We run a computational simulation to better understand the nature of the fluid dynamics involved in the process and the results suggested the potential root-cause of the failure. Tilting 45º degrees all drain connections with regard to the main header would prevent the system from turbulences, flow divergences, vibrations and steam-hammer. All these process dysfunctionalities will ultimately affect the stability of the magnetite layer, leaving the system unprotected and subject to operational deterioration.

CFD Drain System

Heat-Affected Zone

Heat-Affected Zone

Circulation Ratio

Heat-affected zone infiltration may be a potential cause of erosion/corrosion failures of carbon steel piping when exposed to a continuous stream of wet steam or feed water. The problem is associated with high-velocity and turbulences created by the presence of the welding penetration as a flow obstacle.

The deterioration is developed for two reasons:
1) The mechanical wear due to the increase of velocity (red color area) would abrade the welding;
2) The turbulences generated in the region downstream the welding (blue area) would affect the formation of the protective metal-oxide layer and erode the surface.
3) Localized turbulences may also contribute to release CO2 or other acid-forming anions contained in the water chemistry and develop weak acid attack (see microscope image)

As a result, carbon steel piping becomes vulnerable to general deterioration and wall thickness dissolution. Make sure to have a good field supervisor on board… and better welders!

heat affected zone

Superheated Transition Zone

Heat Transition Zone


As superheated steam enters in the transition zone of the turbine and expands into LP section, steam may cross the saturation line, in the Mollier diagram, to eventually form nucleation of moisture drops on blades and disk surfaces.

Consequently, a number of physical-chemical processes will lead to mechanical corrosion-related damage: precipitation of chemical compounds, deposition, acidification, evaporation, drying of surfaces, erosion, stress corrosion cracking, fatigue, chemical transport, flow-accelerated corrosion and molecular diffusion.


You cannot dodge this fact but you can always mitigate the consequences by enhancing steam purity and chemistry conditioning of the cycle

1.  Improve carryovers control
2.  Lessen boiler level fluctuations
3.  Minimize feedwater injection for attemperation
4. Implement a dedicated and exclusive water treatment program
5.  Enhance impurities monitoring and control
6.  Preservations are critical during shutdowns

Figure> Mollier diagram with three typical turbine cycles A) reheat turbine in fossil fired plant, B) backpressure turbine, C) reheat turbine in a nuclear LWR plant Cortesy of IAPWS